At the council “36 hours of rain” camporee in December 2009, I was the only adult leader who was warm and dry because I had waterproof layers, most notably rain pants. I made mention of them as often as possible (which was quite often) until the indelible impression was upon everyone’s psyche. Another thing I’ve been harping on lately is how much easier it would be to remember to do everything and to stay on track if the boys used checklists. Mr. Steve, one of the assistant scoutmasters, often says his favorite things are checklists and rehearsal.
Tonight after the meeting:
Scoutmaster: I just don’t feel like he understands the scope of what he’s supposed to be talking about.
Me: You know what would help?
Scoutmaster: Checklists.
Me: And rehearsal.
Scout: And rain pants!
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